RASM 685: Advanced Strategic Management: Theory and Practice Report a Broken Link

Competition is an unavoidable part of organizational life. For-profit, non-profit, or public sector, it really makes no difference. If an organization is to survive, let alone thrive, it must compete with other organizations – both real and imagined – to secure the resources it needs to fulfill its mandate, both now and in the future. Consider the following: Every dollar of revenue an organization receives comes at the expense of another business, cause, or department. Every dollar it saves in expenditures could have gone to its suppliers. Everything it procures from those suppliers increases demand and, in the process, the prices other organizations will have to pay for those supplies. What this reveals is that, for organizations, competition is both ubiquitous and unavoidable.

The goal in Advanced Strategic Management: Theory and Practice (RASM-685) is to provide students with tools and tendencies that will increase their capacity to cope with these competitive forces. In simple terms, students will learn how to improve their strategic thinking and management. Strategically managed organizations have a clearly defined and widely disseminated strategy that guides everything they do. Their managers monitor and anticipate changes in their environments and their competitors’ strategies so they can respond accordingly. Simply put, these organizations are managed proactively.

Week 1

Required Readings/ Assignments
Reading 1 by Mauws, M. K. will be posted in the RASM-685 Coaches' Corner.

Reading 2 by Mauws, M. K. will be posted in the RASM-685 Coaches' Corner.

Supplementary Readings

Week 2

Required Readings/ Assignments
Reading 4 by Mauws, M. K. will be posted in the RASM-685 Coaches' Corner.

Reading 5 by Mauws, M. K. will be posted in the RASM-685 Coaches' Corner.

Supplementary Readings

Week 3

Supplementary Readings

Week 4

Supplementary Readings

Week 5

Week 6

Required Readings/Assignments

Week 7

Required Readings/ Assignments

Week 8

Required Readings/Assignments

Week 9

In-residence week

Week 10

Required readings will be distributed at the in-residence week.