EOCH 664: Making Sense of Organizational Change Report a Broken Link

In this course, we endeavour to 'make sense of organizational change.' We assume that organizational change occurs continuously, although not necessarily in guided form. We assume that changes are implemented in response to competitive environmental pressures and are intended to positively affect an organization's technology, product, service, strategy, structure, people, and/or culture. We also assume that the experience of change is lived and received across the organization at many different levels. The analysis of change is not a special topic or separate chapter of organizational analysis. Rather, change is a dominant, underlying concern, fundamental to all organizations.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Organizational Change and Teams

Lesson 1 - Supplemental

Lesson 2: Levels of Change

Lesson 3: Change Models

Lesson 4: Change Leaders, Change Managers

Lesson 4 - Supplemental

Lesson 5 - The Human Side of Change

Lesson 6: Organizational Power and Politics

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Please do this in week 1. PLEASE REGISTER ONLY ONCE!

Lesson 6 - Supplemental

Lesson 7: Change Communications + Sustaining Change in Organizations

Lesson 7 - Supplemental

Lesson 8

Lesson 8 - Supplemental