ECGR 688: Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility Report a Broken Link

This course is designed to provide students with a thorough grounding in corporate governance theory, research, and practice, including associated reporting and regulation. Students will become familiar with and critique the academic literature in the area, as well as develop their ability to integrate and synthesize topics in order to appreciate current debates and explore potentially fruitful avenues for development.

Required Readings

Week 1: Introduction to Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility

Week 2: The Corporate Governance Codes

Week 3: Corporate Governance Board Components

Week 4: Evolving Corporate Governance Models

Week 5: Building More Effective Boards

Week 6: Corporate Social Responsibility

Week 7: Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance

Week 8: Sustainable Development and Corporate Sustainability

Supplementary Readings

Week 1 Supp. Rdgs.

Week 2 Supp. Rdgs.

Brief overview of the Enron scandal with phone audios by traders that manipulated events.

Review of the WorldCom’s accounting fraud that was perpetuated by the CEO, CFO, and controller.


Week 3 Supp. Rdgs.




Week 4 Supp. Rdgs.

Week 5 Supp. Rdgs.

Week 6 Supp. Rdgs.

Week 7 Supp. Rdgs.