PSYC 689: Learning Disabilities: Issues and Interventions (Rev. 1) Report a Broken Link

Required Online Reading

Supplementary Materials

(Note: Not every week requires online reading. Please check your Course Guide.)

Note regarding Items without links: Use this form to request a print copy of article, book chapter, etc. from the AU Library.

Unit 1

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Lyon, G. R., Fletcher, J. M., Shaywitz, S. E., Shaywitz, B. A., Torgesen, J. K., Wood, F. B., Schulte, A., & Olson, R. (2001).

Rethinking learning disabilities. In C. E. Finn, Jr., A. J. Rotherham, & C. R. Hokanson (Eds.), Rethinking special education for a new century (pp. 259–287). Washington, DC: Thomas B. Fordham Foundation and the Progressive Policy Institute.

Unit 2

Supplementary Readings
Alberta Education. (1996).

Teaching students with learning disabilities. Book 6 in Programming for students with special needs (pp. LD. 1–46). Edmonton, AB: Learning Resources Centre.

McLaughlin, M. J., & Henderson, K. (2000).

Defining U.S. special education into the twenty-first century. In M. A. Winzer & K. Mazurek (Eds.), Special education in the 21st century: Issues of inclusion and reform (pp. 41–61). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Winzer, M. A. (2000).

The inclusion movement: Review and reflections on reform in special education. In M. A. Winzer & K. Mazurek (Eds.), Special education in the 21st century: Issues of inclusion and reform (pp. 5–26). Washington, DC: Gallaudet University Press.

Unit 3

Supplementary Readings
Bender, W. N. (2001).

Learning disabilities: Characteristics, identification, and teaching strategies (4th ed., pp. 2–41). Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Poplin, M. S., & Stone, S. (1992).

Paradigm shifts in instructional strategies: From reductionism to holistic/constructivism. In W. Stainback & S. Stainback (Eds.), Controversial issues confronting special education: Divergent perspectives (pp. 153–179). Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Unit 4

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Day, G. (2001).

Finally saying what I mean. In P. Rodis, A. Garrod, & M. L. Boscardin (Eds.), Learning disabilities and life stories (pp. 97–109). Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Green, J. (2001).

ADHD: Window, weapon, or support. In P. Rodis, A. Garrod, & M. L. Boscardin (Eds.), Learning disabilities and life stories (pp. 62–72). Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

O’Connor, G. (2001).

Bad. In P. Rodis, A. Garrod, & M. L. Boscardin (Eds.), Learning disabilities and life stories (pp. 73–81). Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Schlozman, S. C., & Schlozman, V. R. (2000).

Chaos in the classroom: Looking at ADHD. Educational Leadership, 58(3), 28–33.

Unit 5

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Richard Lavoie.

How difficult can this be? The F.A.T. City Workshop [videotape] / presented by Richard Lavoie. --

Available from AU Library. See also Psyc 389 course materials.

Unit 6

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Rodis, P., Garrod, A., & Boscardin, M. L. (Eds.). (2001). Learning disabilities and life stories. Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Unit 7

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Alberta Education. (1995).

Individualized program plans. Book 3 in Programming for students with special needs. Edmonton, AB: Alberta Education.

Copy available from AU Library SML file for Psyc 689.

Unit 8

Supplementary Readings
Boostrom, R. (1994).

Learning to pay attention. Qualitative Studies in Education, 7(1), 51-64.

Unit 9

Supplementary Readings
Alberta Learning. (1995).

Individualized program plans. Book 3 of Programming for students with special needs. Edmonton: AB: Learning Resources Centre.

Copy available from AU Library SML file for Psyc 689.

Unit 10

Supplementary Readings
Bender, W. N. (2001).

Learning characteristics in reading and language arts. In Learning disabilities: Characteristics, identification, and teaching strategies (4th ed., pp. 166–197). Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Mercer, C. D., & Mercer, A. R. (1998).

Teaching students with learning problems (5th ed., pp. 281–362). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Unit 11

Supplementary Readings
Mercer, C. D., & Mercer, A. R. (1998).

Teaching students with learning problems (5th ed., pp. 363-433). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Unit 12

Supplementary Readings
Bender, W. N. (2001).

Learning characteristics in math. In Learning disabilities: Characteristics, identification, and teaching strategies (4th ed., pp. 198-221). Toronto: Allyn and Bacon.

Mercer, C. D., & Mercer, A. R. (1998).

Teaching students with learning problems (5th ed., pp. 435-526). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Unit 13

Supplementary Readings
Mercer, C. D., & Mercer, A. R. (1998).

Teaching students with learning problems (5th ed., pp. 179-225). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Unit 14

Supplementary Readings
Mercer, C. D., & Mercer, A. R. (1998).

Teaching students with learning problems (5th ed., pp. 527-566). Upper Saddle River, NJ:: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Walker, C., & Antaya-Moore, D. (1999).

Thinking tools for kids. Practical organizers. Edmonton, AB: Resource Development Services.

Unit 15

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
D’Arcangelo, M. (1998).

The brains behind the brain. Educational Leadership, 56(3), 20-25.

Jensen, E. (1998). Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Wolfe, P. (2001). Brain matters. Translating research into classroom practice. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Unit 16

Supplementary Readings
Reeves, D. (2001). 20-minute learning connection. A practical guide for parents who want to help their children succeed in school. Toronto: Simon & Schuster. 20-minute learning connection. A practical guide for parents who want to help their children succeed in school. Toronto: Simon & Schuster.

Unit 17

Supplementary Readings
Meyer, A., & Rose, D. (2000).

Universal design for individual differences. Educational Leadership, 58(3), 39–43.