WRNM 605: Creating Life Histories Report a Broken Link

Unit 1: Historical and Cultural Perspectives on Oral History

Thompson, Paul. "The Voice of the Past: Oral History," The Oral History Reader. 3rd ed., edited by Robert Perks and Alistair Thompson, New York, Routledge, 2016.
Portelli, Allesandro. "What Makes Oral History Different," The Oral History Reader. 3rd ed., edited by Robert Perks and Alistair Thompson, New York, Routledge, 2016.
Bear Nicholas, Andrea. (2008). "The Assault on Aboriginal Oral Traditions: Past and Present," Aboriginal Oral Traditions: Theory, Practice, Ethics, edited by Renée Hulan and Renate Eigenbrod, Black Point NS, Fernwood Publishing.
Francis, Hilary et al. “Decolonising Oral History: A Conversation.” The Journal of the Historical Association, vol. 106, no. 370, 2021, pp. 265–81.
oralhistorycentre. “The Oral History Centre: What Is Oral History?” YouTube, 2016.

Unit 2: The Creative Act of Interviewing

Anderson, Kathryn & Dana C. Jack. “Learning to Listen: Interview Techniques and Analyses,” Women’s Words: The Feminist Practice of Oral History, edited by Sherna Berger Gluck and Daphne Patai, New York: Routledge, 1991.
Hendrickson, Burleigh. “From the Archives to the Streets: Listening to the Global 1960s in the Former French Empire.” French Historical Studies, vol. 40, no. 2, 2017, pp. 319–42.

Unit 3: Culturally Appropriate Design

Panel on Research Ethics. “TCPS 2 (2018) – Chapter 9: Research Involving the First Nations, Inuit and Metis Peoples of Canada.” Government of Canada.

Unit 4: Social Justice and Social Context

Alberta Women’s Memory Project. "Conducting an Oral History." Athabasca University.
Larmour, Judy, "How to Do Oral History." Heritage Notes, no. 11, Alberta Historical Resources Foundation.
Thiessen, Janis.“COHA Code of Ethics and Responsibilities, 1975.” Oral History Forum d’histoire orale, 36, 2016.
Ewart, Patti. "Ten Things You Should Know about Indigenous Oral Traditions." Canadian Oral History. canoha.ca
Oral History Association. "COHA Statement on Ethics." oralhistory.org.
Oral History Association. "Guidelines for Social Justice Oral History Work." oralhistory.org.

Unit 5: Legal and Interpretation Considerations

Hendrigan, Holly. "An Examination of Oral History and Archival Practices among Graduate Students in Select Canadian Comprehensive Research Universities." Oral History Forum d’histoire orale, 36, 2016.
Borland, Katherine. "'That's Not What I Said': Interpretive Conflict in Orla History Research." Women's Words, edited by Sherna Berger Gluck and Daphne Patai, New York, Routledge, 1991.

Unit 6: What is Memoir and Why Write One?

Balzer, Paula. "Understanding the Genre." Writing and Selling Your Memoir, Cincinnati, OH, Writers Digest Books, 2011.
Cohen, Kerry. "Truth and Dare: Are You Ready to Write a Memoir?" The Truth of Memoir.  Ash, OH, Writers Digest, 2014.

Unit 7: Researching Your Life and Finding Your Voice

Pearson, Michael. "Researching Your Own Life." Writing Creative Nonfiction: Instruction and Insights from the Teachers of the Associated Writing Programs. Story Press, 2001.
Karr, Mary. Pages 35–53, 71–78, 91–100 from The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr. Copyright (c) 2015 by Mary Karr. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publishers, 2015.

Unit 8: Truth, Empathy, and Engagement

Kephart, Beth. "Fake Not." Handling the Truth: On the Writing of Memoir (excerpts). New York, Avery, 2013.
Cohen, Kerry. "Blood on the Page: Writing about Family." The Truth of Memoir. Ash, OH, Writers Digest, 2014.
Athabasca University. “How to make readers believe your story: Fiction writing tips from Writer in Residence Michael Winter.” YouTube, 2023.
Heighton, Steven. The Virtues of Disillusionment. AU Press, 2020.

Unit 9: Social Context of Memoir Writing

Cohen, Kerry. "Talk to My Lawyer: The Legalities of Writing about Others." The Truth of Memoir, Ash, OH, Writers Digest, 2014.
Karr, Mary. "Blind Spots and False Selves." The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers, from The Art of Memoir, Mary Karr, 2015; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
Athabasca University. “Why write: AU professors and authors discuss Reinekke Lengelle’s, Writing the Self in Bereavement.” YouTube, 2022.
Athabasca University. "Why write: AU professors and authors discuss Angie Abdou's This One Wild Life." YouTube, 2022.
Athabasca University. "Why write: Athabasca University professors and authors discuss ethics and boundaries in writing." YouTube, 2022.

Unit 10: Autobiographical Memory and Self-making Narratives

Fivush, Robyn and Catherine A. Haden. Autobiographical Memory and the Construction of a Narrative Self: Developmental and Cultural Perspectives. Psychology Press, 2003.
van Dijck, Jose. "Mediated Memories as a Conceptual Tool." Mediated Memories in the Digital Age. Stanford University Press, 2007.

Unit 13: Mediated Memory in a Digital World; Ethical Concerns

Schneider, Pat. "The Ethical Questions: Spirituality, Privacy, and Politics." Writing Alone and with Others. OUP, 2003, pp. 157–174.