MDDE 613: Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Report a Broken Link

This course will explore different adult education theories and philosophies, including “for-credit” learning in formal education; workplace learning; informal, self-directed learning; and public pedagogy (i.e., informal learning that takes place in public spaces, popular culture, and political struggle). We will also consider the role and purpose of adult education for the individual and for society. Readings have been carefully selected from older, foundational literature, along with readings that explore more recent issues in adult learning. The readings will help us consider contemporary issues and realize that the study of adult learning has its own history.

Unit 1: “It’s Only Theory”: The Role of Theory in Our Practice and Why Theory Is Important

Unit 2: Further Understanding the Theoretical Foundations of Adult Education

Unit 3: Education and a Just Society

Unit 4: Reconciliation and Decolonization of Adult Education and Learning

Unit 5: Public Pedagogy

Unit 6: Bringing It All Together