GOVN 500: Governance and Leadership Report a Broken Link

Governance 500: Governance and Leadership is a graduate course in leadership and governance in the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.

Unit 1: Accepting the Challenge

Required Readings
Boone, L. W., & Makhani, S. (2012). Five Necessary Attitudes of a Servant Leader. Review of Business33(1), 83–96.
Henein, A., & Morrisette, F. (2007). Made in Canada leadership: Wisdom from the nation’s best and brightest on leadership practice and development. John Wiley & Sons. Read the Foreword, The Many Faces of LeadershipIntroduction, and Chapters 1–5.
Kraemer, H. M. (2011). From values to action: The four principles of values-based leadership. John Wiley & Sons. Read the Introduction and Chapters 1–4.

Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2023). Leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations. Jossy-Bass. Read Introduction, Chapters 1 and 2.

Required Viewing
Rosalinde Torres. (2014). What it takes to be a great leader. TED. (9:09 mins)

Unit 2: Leading the Way

Required Readings
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2023). Leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary things happen in organizations (7th Edition). Familiarize yourself with Chapters 3–12. (Use as a reference for navigating Assignment 2—all three parts.)           
Sunhil J, Galley A., & Molson, M. (2014). Reprogramming government for the digital era. KPMG & The Mowat Centre, University of Toronto.
Required Viewing
BI Unit (NSW, Australia). (2014). What is ‘Behavioural Insights’? YouTube. (3:21 mins)

Unit 3: Leadership in the Public Sector

Required Readings
John, P. (2014). Policy entrepreneurship in UK central government: The behavioural insights team and the use of randomized controlled trials. Public Policy and Administration29(3), 257–267.
Siemiatycki, M. (2015). Public-private partnerships in Canada: Reflections on twenty years of practice. Canadian Public Administration58(3), 343–362.
Clark, C. (2016, February 22). Trudeau brings in Tony Blair’s guru to help Grits deliver the goods. The Globe and Mail.
Galley, A., Gold, J., & Johal, S. (2013). Public service transformed: Harnessing the power of behavioural insights. Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation, University of Toronto.  
Recommended Reading
Fussell, H., & Beresford, C. (2009). Public private partnerships: Understanding the challenge. (2nd ed.). Vancouver: Centre for Civic Governance, Columbia Institute.

Unit 4: Leadership in the Private Sector

Required Readings
Martin, D. (2006). Introduction and Chapter 1. Corporate governance: Practical guidance on accountability requirements. Thorogood Publishing.
Hohnen, P. (2007). Preface and Part One. Corporate social responsibility: An implementation guide for business. International Institute for Sustainable Development.
United Nations Global Compact. (2015). IMPACT: Transforming business changing the world. Read pages 1–25.
Shell. (2015). Corporate Code of Conduct.
Shell. (n.d.). Business Integrity.
Crane, A., Palazzo, G., Spence, L., & Matten, D. (2014). Contesting the value of creating shared value. California Management Review. 56(2): 130–149.
Required Viewing
HSGUnitStGallen. (2012). What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? YouTube. (10:57 mins)
UBS Nobel Perspectives. (2019). Why is corporate social responsibility important? YouTube. (1:53)
Sustainability Illustrated. (2016). Triple bottom line (3 pillars): Sustainability in business. YouTube. (4:13 mins)
PBS News. (2023). Fox News to pay $787M settlement to Dominion Voting Systems over stolen election lies. (5:45 mins)
Required Listening
CanadaLand. (2023). #7 Canada Is Hoarding The Land. (39:38 mins)

Unit 5: Leadership in the Not-for-Profit Sector

Required Readings
Cave, J. (2016). A shifting sector: Emerging trends for Canada’s nonprofits in 2016. The Philanthropist.
Kerlin, J. (2016). Introduction. Social enterprise: A global comparison (pp. 24–32). Tufts University Press.
McMurtry, J. J., & Brouard, F. (2015). Social enterprises in Canada: An introduction. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit & Social Economy Research, 6(1), 6–17.
Routhieaux, R. L. (2015). Shared leadership and its implications for nonprofit leadershipJournal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership5(3).
Tink, L. N., & Kingsley, B. C. (2021). Transforming the non-profit community in Edmonton: Phase 1 – Identifying myths, trends, and areas for change. Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
Van Ymeren, J., & and Lalande. L. (2015). Change work: Valuing decent work in the not-for-profit sector. The Mowat Centre.
Required Viewing
Ontario NonProfit Network. (2017). Leadership Competencies. YouTube. (3:44 mins)
Recommended Readings
Frumkin, P. (2009). Chapter 1: The idea of a nonprofit and voluntary sector. On being nonprofit: A conceptual and policy primer (pp. 1–28). Harvard University Press.
Gibson, S., MacLean, J., & Macklem, K. (2008). Executive summary and Introduction. Leadership solutions: building leadership in Toronto's nonprofit and voluntary sector (pp. 1–8). United Way, Toronto.
Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations. (2022). Alberta’s nonprofit sector: Too essential to fail.

Unit 6: The Citizen Leader

Required Readings
Grover, K. S., & Miller, M. T. (2013). Citizen use of self-directed learning strategies: Differences between leaders and non-leaders. E Journal of Organizational Learning & Leadership11(1), 37–46.  

Morse, S. W. (2014). Preface and Chapter 1. Smart communities: How citizens and local leaders can use strategic thinking to build a brighter future. Jossey-Bass.

Shiel, C., Leal Filho, W., do Paço, A., & Brandli, L. (2016). Evaluating the engagement of universities in capacity building for sustainable development in local communities. Evaluation and Program Planning, 54, 123–134.
Coady International Institute. (2014). Citizens organizing for social change. St. Francis Xavier University. Read pages 1–4.
Coady International Institute. (2014). Pathways and levers for Systemic Change. St. Francis Xavier University. Read pages 9–12.
Required Viewing
The Tamarack Institute. (2012). What is a Vibrant Community? YouTube. (2:48 mins)
LXS7NDN. (2013). Idle No More (Documentary). YouTube. (13:32 mins)
MediaTrust UK. (2011). Cormac Russell explains asset Based Community Development. YouTube. (4:42)
Tamarack Institute. (2016). Collective leadership.

Unit 7: Board Leadership and Policy-driven Governance

Required Readings
Carver, J. (2013). The origins and development of policy governance. An interview with John Carver by John Bohley and Caroline Oliver for Board Leadership. Wiley Online.
Katz, D. A., & McIntosh, L. A. (2016). Gender diversity on boards: The future is almost here. Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance.
BoardSource. (2005). The source: Twelve principles of governance that power exceptional boards. Excerpts.
WXN Annual Report Card. (2020). A year of radial change: Measuring the evolution of women’s rise to the top in corporate Canada.
European Council. (n.d.). Gender balance on corporate boards.

Unit 8: Gender Issues

Required Readings
Calvert Investments. (2023). The Calvert Women's Principles.
Giberson, T., & Miklos, S. (2012). Developing women leaders. TIP: The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist50(1), 115–118.
Klodawsky, F. (2014). Gender sits in place: the potential for municipalities to contribute to gender equality. Canadian Diversity / Canadian Diversité11(3), 38–42.
Scott, K. (2019, March). The best and worst places to be a woman in Canada 2019: The gender gap in Canada’s 26 biggest cities. Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Read pages 5–11 (Introduction), 80–83 (Winnipeg), 92–95 (Calgary), and two additional cities of your choice.
Barsh, J., & Cranston, S. (2008) Centered leadership: How talented women survive. McKinsey Quarterly. McKinsey & Company.
UN Women. (2016). Gender equality, a governance matter.

Unit 9: Environmental Sustainability at the Global Level

Required Readings
Biermann, F. (2014). The Anthropocene: A governance perspective. The Anthropocene Review, 1(1), 57–61.  
Government of Canada. (2022). UN climate change conference. Also review the Paris Agreement (follow the link under “Related information”).
Government of Canada. (2022). Climate change.
Future Earth. (2016). Future Earth 2025
Morgan, J. (2016). Paris COP 21: Power that speaks the truth? Globalizations, 13(6), 943–951.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2016). Development co-operation.
Kimmer. R. W. (October 26, 2022). The serviceberry: An economy of abundance. Emergence Magazine.
Boiral, O., Baron, C., & Gunnlaugson, O. (2014). Environmental leadership and consciousness development: A case study among Canadian SMEs. Journal of Business Ethics123(3), 363–383.

Unit 10: Environmental Sustainability at the Local Level

Required Readings
Boiral, O., Baron, C., & Gunnlaugson, O. (2014). Environmental leadership and consciousness development: A case study among Canadian SMEs. Journal of Business Ethics123(3), 363–383.
Boiral, O., Talbot, D., & Paille, P. (2015). Leading by example: A model of organizational citizenship behavior for the environment. Business Strategy and The Environment, 24(6), 532–550. 
Gausset, Q., & Hoff, J. (2013). Citizen driven environmental action. Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies12(1), 2–3. 
Hoff, J., & Strobel, B. W. (2013). A municipal ‘climate Revolution’? The shaping of municipal climate change policies. Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies12(1), 3–14.
Kimmer, R. W. (2018). Corn tastes better on the honor system. Emergence Magazine.
Recommended Readings
Roach, R., & Worbets, B. (2012). Keeping pace: Improving environmental decision-making in Canada. Canada West Foundation.
Robertson, J. L., & Barling, J. (2013). Greening organizations through leaders’ influence on employees' pro-environmental behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34(2): 176–194. 
Walls, J. L., Berrone, P., & Phan, P. H. (2012). Corporate governance and environmental performance: Is there really a link? Strategic Management Journal33(8), 885–913. 

Unit 11: Indigenous Perspective and Impact

Required Readings
Assembly of First Nations. (2016). Implementing the UNDRIP.
Kenny, C., & Fraser, T. N. (2012). Living indigenous leadership: native narratives on building strong communities. Preface and Chapters 1–3.
Canada. TRC. (2015). In Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Volume One: Summary Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future. Review the 94 Calls to Action on pages 319–339.
United Nations (2007). United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Required Viewing
CBC News: The National. (2015). Murray Sinclair interview. YouTube. (12:11 mins)