MAIS 752: Psychedelics and Society: A Critical Overview Report a Broken Link

Week 1

Required Reading
Carhart-Harris, R. L., & Goodwin, G. M. (2017). The therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs: Past, present, and future.

Neuropsychopharmacology42(11), 2105-2113.

Rodríguez Arce, J. M., & Winkelman, M. J. (2021). Psychedelics, sociality, and human evolution.

Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 729425. 

Other Resources (recommended)
Pollan, M. (2023, November 17). Psychedelics in society and culture: A conversation with Michael Pollan [Video]. 


Week 2

Required Reading
Aixalà, M., & Bouso, J.C. (2018). Technical report on psychoactive ethnobotanicals. Volume I-III.

International Centre for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service.

Chapter 1, How LSD originated, in Hofmann, A. (1979). LSD, my problem child: Reflections on sacred drugs, mysticism, and science [Ebook]. 

Generic NL Freebook Publisher.

Passie, T., & Benzenhöfer, U. (2016). The history of MDMA as an underground drug in the United States, 1960–1979.

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs48(2), 67-75.

Other Resources (recommended)
Pflugheber, J., & White, S.F. (2024). Microcosms: A homage to sacred plants of the Americas.


Erowid. (1995-2023). Psychoactive plants and drugs.


Government of Canada, Department of Justice. (2024). Justice laws website: Schedule III.


Government of Canada, Health Canada. (2022). Controlled and illegal drugs.


Week 3

Required Reading
Goldstein, R. (2019). Ethnobotanies of refusal: Methodologies in respecting plant(ed)‐human resistance.

Anthropology Today35(2), 18-22.

Sheldrake, M. (2020). The ‘enigma’ of Richard Schultes, Amazonian hallucinogenic plants, and the limits of ethnobotany.

Social Studies of Science50(3), 345-376.

Other Resources (required)
CBC Ideas. (2018). Wade Davis – Light at the edge of the world.

CBC Radio (online audio).

Week 4

Required Reading
Ens, A. (2021). Silencing indigenous pasts: Critical Indigenous theory and the history of psychedelics

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education34(10), 904-914.

Fotiou, E. (2020). The role of Indigenous knowledges in psychedelic science.

Journal of Psychedelic Studies4(1), 16-23.

Other Resources (recommended)
Tuck, E., & Yang, K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor.

Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society1(1).

Hauskeller, C., Artinian, T., Fiske, A., Schwarz Marin, E., González Romero, O. S., Luna, L. E., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (2023). Decolonization is a metaphor towards a different ethic. The case from psychedelic studies.

Interdisciplinary Science Reviews48(5), 732-751.

Week 5

Required Reading
Celidwen, Y., Redvers, N., Githaiga, C., Calambás, J., Añaños, K., Chindoy, M. E., ... & Sacbajá, A. (2023). Ethical principles of traditional Indigenous medicine to guide Western psychedelic research and practice

The Lancet Regional Health–Americas18.

Williams, K., Romero, O. S. G., Braunstein, M., & Brant, S. (2022). Indigenous philosophies and the "psychedelic renaissance." 

Anthropology of Consciousness33(2), 506-527.

Other Resources (recommended)
Sethi, P.S. & Cabral, V. (2024). Decolonizing psychedelics starts with examining your relationship to power. 

Double Blind Magazine.

Week 6

Required Readings
Gandy, S., Forstmann, M., Carhart-Harris, R. L., Timmermann, C., Luke, D., & Watts, R. (2020). The potential synergistic effects between psychedelic administration and nature contact for the improvement of mental health.

Health Psychology Open7(2), 2055102920978123.

Ruffell, S. G., Gandy, S., Tsang, W., Lopez, R., O’Rourke, N., Akhtar, A., ... & Sarris, J. (2024). Participation in an indigenous Amazonian-led ayahuasca retreat associated with increases in nature relatedness–a pilot study.

Drug Science, Policy and Law10, 20503245241235100.

Other Resources (recommended)
Gandy, S. (2019). Psychedelics and potential benefits in “healthy normals”: A review of the literature. 

Journal of Psychedelic Studies3(3), 280-287.

Gandy, S. (2024). Q & A with Sam Gandy: Psychedelics and connecting with nature.  

UC Berkeley Centre for the Science of Psychedelics.

Week 7

Required Reading
Carvalho, I. C. D. M., Steil, C. A., & Gonzaga, F. A. (2020). Learning from a more-than-human perspective.

Plants as teachers. The Journal of Environmental Education51(2), 144-155.

Luna, L. E. (1984). The concept of plants as teachers among four mestizo shamans of Iquitos, northeastern Peru.

Journal of Ethnopharmacology11(2), 135-156.

Other Resources (recommended)
Tupper, K. W. (2002). Entheogens and existential intelligence: The use of plant teachers as cognitive tools. 

Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation, 499-516.

Williams, K., & Brant, S. (2021). Plant persons, more-than-human power, and institutional practices in Indigenous higher education. In V. Fletcher & A. Dare (Eds.) Intimate Relations: Communicating in the Anthropocene (pp. 197-214)

Lexington Books.

Week 9

Required Reading
Mintz, K. T., Gammer, B., Khan, A. J., Shaub, G., Levine, S., & Sisti, D. (2022). Physical disability and psychedelic therapies: An agenda for inclusive research and practice.

Frontiers in Psychiatry13, 914458.

Stauffer, C. S., Brown, M. R., Adams, D., Cassity, M., & Sevelius, J. (2022). MDMA-assisted psychotherapy; Inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in the frontiers of PTSD treatment trials.

Frontiers in Psychiatry13, 932605.

Williams, M. T., Cabral, V., & Faber, S. (2024). Psychedelics and racial justice.

 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction22(2),1-17.

Other Resources (recommended)
Williams, M.T. (2024, January 20). People of colour should have access to psychedelics.  

Open Foundation. Website.

Week 10

Required Reading
González Romero, O. (2023). Cognitive liberty and the psychedelic humanities.

Frontiers in Psychology14, 1128996.

Walsh, C. (2016). Psychedelics and cognitive liberty: Reimagining drug policy through the prism of human rights.

International Journal of Drug Policy29, 80-87.

Other Resources (recommended)
Farahany, N. (2023, September 11). Nita Farahany is fighting for your cognitive liberty.  

The Inner View, TRT World. Website.

Week 11

Required Reading
Doll, A. (2024). Making "Medical": How psychedelics are becoming legal in Canada.

Dalhousie Law Journal47(1), 4.

Schwarz-Plaschg, C. (2022). Socio-psychedelic imaginaries: Envisioning and building legal psychedelic worlds in the United States.

European Journal of Futures Research10(1), 10.

Other Resources (recommended)
Plazola, C., Norris, L., Millar, T., & Tabrizi, S. (2020, June 19). Decriminalize Nature US and Canada leaders discuss the psychedelics decriminalization movement. 

Psychedelic Association of Canada

Week 12

Required Reading
Devenot, N., Conner, T., & Doyle, R. (2022). Dark side of the shroom: Erasing indigenous and counterculture wisdoms with psychedelic capitalism, and the open source alternative: A manifesto for psychonauts.

Anthropology of Consciousness33(2), 476-505.

Gearin, A. K., & Devenot, N. (2021). Psychedelic medicalization, public discourse, and the morality of ego dissolution.

 International Journal of Cultural Studies24(6), 917-935.

Other Resources (recommended)
Martin, J. (2020, February 13). The psychedelic renaissance panel: Psychedelic treatments demystified. 

The Jay Martin Show

Week 13

Required Readings
McGuire, A. L., Cohen, I. G., Sisti, D., Baggott, M., Celidwen, Y., Devenot, N., ... & Yaden, D. B. (2024). Developing an ethics and policy framework for psychedelic clinical care: A consensus statement.

JAMA Network Open7(6), e2414650-e2414650.

Pilecki, B., Luoma, J. B., Bathje, G. J., Rhea, J., & Narloch, V. F. (2021). Ethical and legal issues in psychedelic harm reduction and integration therapy.

Harm Reduction Journal18(1), 40.

Other Resources (recommended)
Celidwen, Y., Redvers, N., Githaiga, C., Calambás, J., Añaños, K., Chindoy, M. E., ... & Sacbajá, A. (2023). Ethical principles of traditional Indigenous medicine to guide Western psychedelic research and practice. 

The Lancet Regional Health–Americas18.

Spriggs, M. J., Murphy-Beiner, A., Murphy, R., Bornemann, J., Thurgur, H., & Schlag, A. K. (2023). ARC: a framework for access, reciprocity and conduct in psychedelic therapies.

 Frontiers in Psychology14, 1119115.

Week 14

Required Reading
Cavarra, M., Falzone, A., Ramaekers, J. G., Kuypers, K. P., & Mento, C. (2022). Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy—A systematic review of associated psychological interventions.

Frontiers in psychology, 13, 887255.

Hartogsohn, I. (2016). Set and setting, psychedelics and the placebo response: an extra-pharmacological perspective on psychopharmacology.

Journal of psychopharmacology30(12), 1259-1267.

Other Resources (recommended)
Doblin, R. and Gordhamer, S. (2023, August 4). The science of MDMA therapy. 

Wisdom 2.0. 

Week 15

Required Reading
Bathje, G. J., Majeski, E., & Kudowor, M. (2022). Psychedelic integration: An analysis of the concept and its practice.

Frontiers in Psychology13, 824077.

Thal, S. B., Baker, P., Marinis, J., Wieberneit, M., Sharbanee, J. M., Bruno, R., ... & Bright, S. J. (2024). Therapeutic frameworks in integration sessions in substance‐assisted psychotherapy: A systematised review. 

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy31(1), e2945.

Other Resources (recommended)
Aixala, M. & Evans, J. (2022, November 10). Marc Aixala on psychedelic integration. 
Lengelle, R. (2021). Writing the self in bereavement: A story of love, spousal loss, and resilience
