ENVS 689: The Political Ecology of Global Environmental Change (Rev. 1) Report a Broken Link

Environmental Studies 689: The Political Ecology of Global Environmental Change is designed to give you a deeper understanding of the socio-environmental challenges and opportunities we face in our world.

Unit 1

Theoretical Architecture of Political Ecology

Broch-Due, V. (2000). Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa: An Introduction.

In Broch-Due, V. and Schroeder, R.A. (Eds.) Producing Nature and Poverty in Africa. Stockholm: Nordiska, Afrikainstitute, pp. 9-52.

Forsyth, T. (2003). Chapter 1: Political Ecology and the Politics of Environmental Science

In Critical Political Ecology: The Politics of Environmental Science. London: Routledge, pp. 1-23.

Unit 2

Babe, R.E. (2006). Chapter 1: Sustainable Development vs. Sustainable Ecosystem.

Culture of Ecology: Reconciling Economics and Environment. University of Toronto press: Toronto, pp. 3-29.

Kastenhofer, K & Rammel, C. (2005). Obstacles to and Potentials of the Societal Implementation of Sustainable Development: A Comparative Analysis of Two Case Studies.

Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy, 1(2).

King, Nick; Biggs, Harry; Rael, Loon (2007). Seeking Common Ground: How Natural and Social Scientists Might Jointly Create an Overlapping Worldview of Sustainable Livelihoods: A South African Perspective.

Conservation and Society 5(1), 88-114.

Luke, T. (2005). Neither Sustainable nor Development: Reconsidering Sustainability in Development

Sustainable Development, 13(4), 228-238.

Sathiendrakumar, R. (1996). Sustainable Development: Passing Fad or Potential Reality?

International Journal of Social Economics, 23(4/5/6), 151-163.

Unit 3

Berkes, F, Colding, J, & Folke, C. (2000). Rediscovery of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as Adaptive Management

Ecological Applications 10(5), 1251-1262.

Braun, B. (2002). Chapter 2: Producing Marginality.

In The Intemperate Rainforest: Nature, Culture, and Power on Canada’s West Coast. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, pp. 30-65.

Hastings, A., Hom, C. L., Ellner, S., Turchin, P., & Godfray, H. Charles J. (1993). Chaos in Ecology: Is Mother Nature a Strange Attractor? Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 24, 1-33.
Holling, C.S. (2001). Understanding the Complexity of Economic, Ecological, and Social Systems

Ecosystems, 4, 390-405.

Huntington, H. (2000). Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Science: Methods and Applications

Ecological Applications, 10(5), 1270-1274.

Meadows, D. (1997). Places to Intervene in a System

Whole Earth Magazine, 91, 78-84.

Wu, J. & Li, H. 2006. Concepts of Scale and Scaling

In Wu. J., Jones, K.B., Li H., and Loucks, O. L. (Eds.) Scaling and Uncertainty Analysis in Ecology: Methods and Applications. Netherlands: Springer, pp. 3-15.

Unit 4

Lee, K. (2006). Urban Sustainability and the Limits of Classical Environmentalism.

Environment and Urbanization, 18(1), 9-22.

Tonn, B. (2004). Integrated 1000-Year Planning

Futures, 36, 91-109.

Wackernagel, M. & Yount, D. (1998). The Ecological Footprint: An Indicator of Progress Toward Regional Sustainability

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 51(1/2), 511-529.

Di Chiro, G. (2003). Beyond Ecoliberal ‘Common Futures’: Environmental Justice, Toxic Touring, and a Transcommunal Politics of Place.

In Moore, D., Kosek, J., and Pandian, A. (Eds.) Race, Nature, and the Politics of Difference. Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 204-232.

Unit 5

Forsyth, T. (2003). Chapter 7: The globalization of environmental risk.

In Critical Political Ecology: The Politics of Environmental Science. London: Routledge, pp. 168-201.

Benedick, R. (1996). Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer International Negotiation, 1(2), 231-246.
Burger, J. & Gochfeld, M. (1998). The Tragedy of the Commons Thirty Years Later

Environment, 40(10), 4-13, 26, 27.

Molina, M. & Rowland, F. (1974). Stratospheric Sink for Chlorofluoromethanes: Chlorine Atom-catalyzed Destruction of Ozone

Nature, 249(5460) 810-812.

Unit 6

Johnson, A, & Gerhold, H. (2003). Carbon Storage by Urban Tree Cultivars, in Roots and Above-Ground

Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2(2), 65-72.

Torvanger, A., Rypdal, K., & Kallbekken, S. (2005). Geological CO2 Storage as a Climate Change Mitigation Option

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 10, 693-715.

Unruh, G. (2000). Understanding Carbon Lock-in

Energy Policy, 28, 817-830.

Burke, Jack (August 1997). Waiting to Exhale

Traffic World, 251(7), p. 27

Green, Jeff (January 1998). Kyoto ‘Agreement’ Likely Means Nothing

Ward’s Auto World, 34, pp. 48.

Wilner, Frank N. (1998). Warning from EEI

Traffic World, 256(5), pp. 12-13.

Wilner, Frank N. (1998). Kyoto Aftermath

Traffic World, 256(8), pp. 10.

Demeritt, D. (1998). Science, Social Constructivism and Nature.

In Braun, B. and Castree, N. (Eds.) Remaking Reality: Nature at the Millenium, London: Routledge, pp. 173-193.

Unit 7

Jaccard, M. (2005). The Usual Suspects: Efficiency, Nuclear, and Renewables.

In Jaccard, M. (Ed.). Sustainable Fossil Fuels: The Unusual Suspect in the Quest for Clean and Enduring Energy. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 79-143.

Romm, J. (2004). The Hype About Hydrogen.

Issues in Science and Technology, Spring, 74-83.

Sims, R. (2004) . Renewable Energy: A Response to Climate Change.

Solar Energy, 76(1), 9-18.

Wilson, A. & Boehland, J. (2005) . Small is Beautiful: U.S. House Size, Resource Use, and the Environment.

Journal of Industrial Ecology, 9(1/2), 277-287.

Carruthers, David (2007). Environmental Justice and the Politics of Energy on the US-Mexico Border.

Environmental Politics, 16(3), pp. 394-413.

Watts, Michael (2005). Righteous Oil? Human Rights, the Oil Complex, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

Annual Review of Environment & Resources, 30(1), pp. 373-407.

Unit 8

Bocking, S. (2000). Encountering Biodiversity: Ecology, Ideas, Action.

In Bocking, S. (Ed.) Biodiversity in Canada: Ecology, Ideas, and Action. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, pp. ix-xxv.

Lister, N. & Kay, J. (2000). Celebrating Diversity: Adaptive Planning and Biodiversity Conservation.

In Bocking, S. (Ed.) Biodiversity in Canada: Ecology, Ideas, and Action. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, pp. 189-218.

Guyer, Jane & Richards, Paul (1996). The Invention of Biodiversity: Social Perspectives on the Management of Biological Variety in Africa.

Africa, 66(1), 1-13.

Shiva, V. (2004). The Future of Food: Countering Globalisation and Recolonisation of Indian Agriculture.

Futures, 36, 715-732.

Unit 9

Howell, S. (1996). Nature in Culture or Culture in Nature?

In Descola, P. & Pálsson, G. (Eds.) Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives. New York: Routledge, pp. 127-144.

Neumann, R.P. (2004). Nature -State - Territory: Toward a Critical Theorization of Conservation Enclosures.

In Peet, R. and Watts, M. (Eds.) Liberation Ecologies: Environment, Development, Social Movements, Second Edition. London: Routledge, pp. 195-217.

Baldwin, Andrew (2004). An Ethics of Connection: Social-nature in Canada’s Boreal Forest

Ethics, Place and Environment, 7(3), 185-194.

Cronon, W. (1996). The Trouble with Wilderness: or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature.

Environmental History, 1(1), 7-28.

Havlick, David (2006). Reconsidering Wilderness: Prospective Ethics for Nature, Technology, and Society.

Ethics, Place and Environment, 9(1), 47-62.

Leisure Studies, 21(3/4), pp. 265-284.