ANTH 591: Traditional Knowledge of Plants, Animals, and Land in Contemporary Global Context (Rev. 1) Report a Broken Link

Some of the following readings are recommended readings in the units of ANTH 591, and others are resources for essays or research papers, further information on topics of interest, or recent papers of signficance related to ethnobiology. Selected Web sites and visual resources are also available through this site. The DRR is a work in progress, and new works may be added from time to time.

Supplementary Readings Resources

Ethnobiology, General
Traditional Knowledges and Science

Colorado, Pam. 1988.  Bridging Native and Western science. Convergence 11(2/3):49-67.

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Ryan, Joan, and Michael P.  Robinson. 1990.  Implementing participatory action research in the Canadian North: A case study of the Gwich’in language and cultural project. Culture X(2):57-71.

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Ethnobiological Classification
Berlin, Brent. 1992. Ethnobiological Classification Principles of Categorization of Plants and Animals in Traditional Societies. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Forth, Gregory. 2000.  Eastern Sumbunese bird classification. Journal of Ethnobiology (20)1:161-192.

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Waddy, Julie. 1988. Classification of Plants and Animals from a Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Point of View. 2 vols. Darwin: Australian National University.
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Ethnobotany, General - North America
A Database of Foods, Drugs, Dyes and Fibers of Native American Peoples, Derived from Plants.
Food Plants
Stahl, Ann Brower. 1989. Plant-food processing: Implications for dietary quality. In Foraging and Farming: The Evolution of Plant Exploitation, edited by D. R. Harris and G. C. Hillman, 171-194. London: Unwin Hyman.
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Plants As Medicines

McCutcheon, A. R., S. M. Ellis, R. E. W. Hancock, and G. H. Towers. 1992.  Antibiotic screening of medicinal plants of the British Columbian Native peoples. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 37(3):213-223.

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McCutcheon, A. R., S. M. Ellis, R. E. Hancock, and G. H. Towers. 1994.  Antifungal screening of medicinal plants of British Columbian Native peoples. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 44(3):157-169.

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McCutcheon, A. R., T. E. Roberts, E. Gibbons, S. M. Ellis, L. A. Babiuk, R. E. Hancock, and G. H. Towers. 1995.  Antiviral screening of British Columbian medicinal plants. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 49(2):101-110.

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Smith, G. W. 1983.  Arctic Pharmacognosia II: Devil's club, Oplopanax horridus. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 7:313-320.

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Plants in Technology
Emmons, George Thornton. 1993. The Basketry of the Tlingit; and The Chilkat Blanket; With Revised Appendices by Nora Marks Dauenhauer ... [et al.]. Sitka, AK: Friends of the Sheldon Jackson Museum for the Sheldon Jackson Museum, Division of Libraries, Archives, and Museums, State of Alaska. (First work originally published in 1903, second work published in 1907.)
This book is not available through Athabasca University Library. Please check your local library, or use your local library's interlibrary loan services.

Bødker Enghoff, Inge. 2003. Hunting, Fishing and Animal Husbandry at The Farm Beneath The Sand, Western Greenland. With chapter on archaeological background by Jette Arneborg. Meddelelser om Groenland. Man & Society 28. Copenhagen: Danish Polar Centre.

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This reading also contains information on animals.
Please note in particular the chapters on Four Footed Tribes and Tribes of the Air.
Uses of Animals in Technology and Technology for Obtaining Animals
Emmons, G. T. 1911. The Tahltan Indians. Vol. 4.1 of Anthrological Publications. Philadelphia: The University [of Pennsylvania] Museum.
This book is not available through Athabasca University Library. Please check your local library, or use your local library's interlibrary loan services. This provides extremely interesting material on Aboriginal technology with animal products and for catching animals. Browse for relevant sections on descriptions of clothing, utensils, hunting, etc.
Morice, A. G. 1893. Notes Archaeological, Industrial and Sociological of the Western Dénés, with an Ethnographical Sketch of the Same. In Vol. 3 of Transactions of the Canadian Institute, Session 1892-1893.
This book is not available through Athabasca University Library. Please check your local library, or use your local library's interlibrary loan services. This provides interesting material on Aboriginal technology with animal products and for catching animals.
Oakes, Jill E., and Paula Gustafson. 1991. Coats of Eider: From the Ungava Inuit of the Belcher Islands. Scottsdale, AZ: American Indian Art, Inc.
This book is not available through Athabasca University Library. Please check your local library, or use your local library's interlibrary loan services.
Oakes, Jill E., and Rick Riewe. 1992. A Comparison of Historical and Contemporary Skin Clothing Used in North Greenland: An Ethnohistorical Approach. Edmonton: University of Alberta, Department of Clothing and Textiles.
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Oakes, Jillian E. 1991. Copper and Caribou Inuit Skin Clothing Production. Hull, QC: Canadian Museum of Civilization.
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Check the various volumes of this handbook, including under under the specific names of groups in which you are interested.
Tom, Gertie. 1981. Dùts’um Edhó Ts’ètsi Yu Dän K’í: How to Tan Hides in the Native Way. Whitehorse: Council for Yukon Indians.
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Animals in Myth, Symbol, and Cosmology
Traditional Agriculture
Ethnoecology and Landscape
This site has been linked to information maintained by the Web site of the journal Ecology and Society at
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Traditional Resource Management
Inglis, Julian T. 1993. Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Concepts and Cases. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre and International Program on Traditional Ecological Knowledge.
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Sustainability and Conservation

Roberts, Mere, Waerete Norman, Nganeko Minkinnick, Del Wihongi, and Carmen Kirkwood. 1995.  Kaitiakitanga: Maori perspectives on conservation. Pacific Conservation Biology 2(1):7-20.

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Biocultural Diversity
Globalization and Intellectual Property