HERM 673: Architectural Conservation (Rev. 1) Report a Broken Link

Architectural heritage makes places unique, creates a sense of home, and links us to our past while reinforcing communities; however, it is fragile and must be vigorously protected and promoted through an understanding of underlying values, communication, exemplary projects, research, and education. Heritage Resources Management 673: Architectural Conservation is an introduction to architectural heritage conservation and will provide the participants with a foundation in history, theory, and professional practice. It will include the historic conservation movement, including the main theorists, historical and philosophical development, major works, charters, and conceptual frameworks. HERM 673 will explore a range of subjects and issues that affect architectural conservation. It will also discuss the relationships between architectural conservation and its environmental and urban contexts.

Unit 1: What Is Architectural Conservation? Why Does It Matter?

Read the following sections:

  • “Definitions,” pages 2–4;
  • “Part 3: Historic Resource Management,” pages 10–27

Unit 2: History and Theory

Read the following sections:

  • “Introduction,” pages 6–9;
  • “Chapter 16: France, Stylistic Restoration, 16.4: Viollet-le-Duc and the Theory of ‘Stylistic Restoration,’” pages 277–283;
  • “Chapter 17: England, Morality and Restoration, 17.3: John Ruskin,” pages 304–313

Read the following sections:

  • Chapter VI: The Lamp of Memory, pages 167–187;
  • Chapter VII: The Lamp of Obedience, pages 188–202

Unit 3: International Framework

Read the following sections:

  • Chapter 20: International Concern in Cultural Heritage, 20.3: International Developments, pages 397–399;
  • Chapter 21: Towards International Guidelines, 21.1: The Second World War, pages 409–412, and 21.3: International Recommendations, pages 419–423
Case Studies

Unit 4: Canadian Perspective


Read the following sections:

  • Introduction, page viii;
  • Chapter 3, The Standards for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, pages 21–23;
  • Chapter 4, The Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, pages 41–43, including the sidebar “Replacing Character-Defining Elements”;
  • Chapter 4.3, Guidelines for Buildings, pages 127–181

Read the following sections:

  • Introduction;
  • The Canadian Register of Historic Places: An Invaluable Resource

Read the following sections:

  • The Register: About Us;
  • Heritage Conservation: Resources on Heritage Conservation

Read the following sections:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction, pages 9–10;
  • Chapter 1: The Relationship between Building Conservation, Sustainability, and Climate Change, pages 11–16

Read the following sections:

  • Introduction, page 5;
  • The Benefits of Conserving Your Local Heritage, page 6;
  • Evaluating Historic Places, pages 18–21;
  • Municipal Historic Resource Designation, pages 25–29;
  • Conserving Historic Places, pages 30–45

Unit 5: Values, Authenticity, and Significance

History and Theory

Read the following section:

  • Pages 4–11
Case Study

Please also watch the video embedded in the article.

Unit 6: Interpretation

General Principles
Case Study

Unit 7: Context—Architectural Heritage and Its Surroundings

General Principles

Read the following sections:

  • Boundaries for Effective Protection, pages 99–102;
  • Buffer Zones, pages 103–107
Case Study

Read the following sections:

  • Description;
  • Justification for Inscription;
  • Take note of the other tabs on the website that lead to maps, documents, etc.;
  • Take the opportunity to explore this documentation.

Unit 8: Sustainable Development


Read the following sections:

  • Overview;
  • Explore one of the architectural conservation projects as an example

Read the following sections:

  • Executive Summary, pages vi–xi;
  • Introduction, pages 13–17

Read the following sections:

  • Overview, pages xix–xxviii;
  • Pay particular attention to the section on tourism.

Unit 9: Historic Resource Impact Assessment

Very quickly read the provided HSR examples. They do not need to be read in depth but only for examples, and they can serve as models for your written assignment. Use the guidelines for writing HSRs in the previous readings, but also take the best ideas from these examples.

If the main DRR link is not working, try this link instead: https://web.archive.org/web/20170713164534/https://www.nps.gov/dscw/hsr-standards.htm

Unit 10: Professional Practice


Alberta Community Development describes the concepts from this unit in more detail, with graphic examples of each document of service.

This document is a short description of the function of construction (or working) drawings.


This document is a short description of the function of technical specifications.

This sample is a full specification that outlines the use and preparation of lime mortar in a historic structure. This document should be read lightly to get an idea of the complexity of one single part of an elaborate architectural conservation project.

Bill of Quantities

This reference provides a concise description of the objectives of a bill of quantities. This is a specialized profession in Great Britain, but the architect or engineer often performs this task in other parts of the world. It is a standard requirement for many international projects, yet it is not as common in North America.

This document is also a short guide to the bill of quantities.