WGST 200: Feminist Research and Women's Lives (Rev. C2 & C3) Report a Broken Link


Kirby. S., Greaves, L., & Reid, C. (2006). Experience research social change: Methods beyond the mainstream (2nd ed.). Toronto: Broadview Press.

Required Readings

Harding, Sandra. (1987).  Introduction:  Is There A Feminist Method?

In S. Harding (Ed.) Feminism and methodology: Social science issues (pp. 1-14) Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press; Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Anderson, K, S. Armitage, D. Jack & J. Wittner (1987). Beginning where we are: Feminist methodology in oral history.

The Oral History Review. Vol. 15, No. 1, Fieldwork in Oral History (Spring, 1987), pp. 103-127

Cavanagh, C., D. Chown, S. Jackel, N. Langford & R. Warne (1989). Trials and tribulations of feminist research: The Persons Case in Alberta.

In N. Erhardt & P. Rasmussen (eds.), Proceedings of the second annual feminist research forum. Edmonton AB: Women's Program and Resource Centre, Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta.