WGST /HSRV 421: Advocacy from the Margins (Rev. C2/C2) Report a Broken Link

Human Services/Women’s Studies 421: Advocacy from the Margins introduces you to the meaning, history, tools, group processes, and strategies associated with advocacy for women and other marginalized groups who face injustice around the world. The course stresses the importance of advocacy group processes as well as advocacy strategies and tools. It also encourages you to begin advocating with those who are on the margins and faced with injustice.

Required Readings

Part I: Foundations of Feminist Advocacy

Unit 1: What is Advocay from the Margins?
Evans, K. (for Association for Women’s Rights in Development). (2005). A guide to feminist advocacy. Gender & Development, 13(3), 10–20.
Disabled Women's Network Ontario (DAWN) (2003). Feminist principles: The feminist principle of advocacy (DAWN website).

Part II: Advocacy Issues and Strategies

Unit 4: Advocacy for Reproductive Freedom, Health, and Safety
Martin, S. L. (2006).  Bearing witness: Experiences of frontline anti-violence responders. Canadian Woman Studies, 25(1/2), 11-16.
Unit 7: Advocacy for Families: Childbirth, Mothering, and Childcare
Kukla, R. (2006). Ethics and ideology in breastfeeding advocacy campaigns. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 21(2), 157–180.
Unit 8: Transnational Advocacy in a Threatened Climate
gendercc Network. (2007, December). Gender and climate change network—Women for climate justice. Position paper UNFCCC COP 13, Bali, Indonesia.

Part III: The Tools of Advocacy

Unit 10: Advocacy through the Internet and Other Electronic Media
Gillis, S. (2007). Neither cyborg nor goddess: The (im)possibilities of cyberfeminism. In S. Gillis, G. Howie, and R. Munford (Eds.), Third wave feminism: A critical exploration (2nd ed., pp. 168-181). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Unit 11: Advocacy through Music and Other Cultural Forms
Graybeal, P. M. W. (2007, Spring/Summer). Chant down climate change. Women & Environments International Magazine, 74/75, 49–50.

Assignment 3

Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID). (2003, December). An advocacy guide for feminists. Young Women and Leadership, 1, 1–8.