ANTH 394: City Living: The Anthropology of Urban Life (Rev. C6 & C7) Report a Broken Link

Unit 1: Understanding the City: Its Evolution

Required Reading
Childe, Gordon. “The Urban Revolution.” Town Planning Review 30, no. 1 (1950): 3–17.
Edmonds, Penelope. “Unpacking Settler Colonialism’s Urban Strategies: Indigenous Peoples in Victoria, British Columbia, and the Transition to a Settler-Colonial City.” Urban History Review 38, no. 2 (2010): 4–20.
Low, Setha. “The Edge and the Center: Gated Communities and the Discourse of Urban Fear.” American Anthropologist 103, no. 1 (2001): 45–58.
Required Viewing
A History of Social Classes: Behold Humanity! A Sociological Perspective. Director Louis-Roland Leduc. Princeton, NJ: Productions Coscient. Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 2000. (52:57 min)
The African Burial Ground: An American Discovery, Part 1 "The Search." (28.33 min). YouTube.
The African Burial Ground: An American Discovery, Part 2 "A History." (28:16). YouTube.
"The Biggest Risks Facing Cities—And Some Solutions." (17:11 min). TED Talks.
Required Listening
The Flaneur - Walking in the City (27:43 min). BBC podcast.

Unit 2: Disciplinary Perspectives

Patrick, Donna, and Gabriele Budach. “’Urban-Rural’ Dynamics and Indigenous Urbanization: The Case of Inuit Language Use in Ottawa.” Journal of Language, Identity & Education 13, no. 4 (2014): 236–53.
Sheller, Mimi. “Racialized Mobility Transitions in Philadelphia: Connecting Urban Sustainability and Transport Justice.” City & Society 27, no. 1 (2015): 70–91.
Poulsen, Melissa N, et al. “Growing an Urban Oasis: A Qualitative Study of the Perceived Benefits of Community Gardening in Baltimore, Maryland.” Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 36, no. 2 (2014): 69–82.
Oldenburg, Ray. “Our Vanishing Third Places.” Planning Commissioners Journal 25, no. 4 (1997): 6–10.
Prato, Giuliana, and Italo Pardo. “Urban Anthropology.” Urbanites 3, no. 2 (2013): 80–110 (read article only; comments/discussion at end are optional).
Gmelch, George, and Sharon Bohn Gmelch. “Rural-Urban Difference and Student Fieldwork.” City & Society 21, no. 2 (2009): 293–306.
Caldwell, Melissa L. “Domesticating the French Fry: McDonald’s and Consumerism in Moscow. Journal of Consumer Culture 4, no. 1 (2004): 5–26.
Agier, Michel. “Between War and City: Towards an Urban Anthropology of Refugee Camps.” Ethnography 3, no. 3 (2002): 317–41.  
Leggett, William H. “Institutionalising the Colonial Imagination: Chinese Middlemen and the Transnational Corporate Office in Jakarta, Indonesia.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 36, no. 8 (2010): 1265–78.  
Battesti, Vincent, and Nicolas Puig. “‘The Sound of Society’: A Method for Investigating Sound Perception in Cairo.” The Senses and Society 11, no. 3 (2016): 298–319.
Required Viewing
"Why the Wrong Side of the Tracks Is Usually the East Side of Cities." (6:50 min). TED Talks.
"Urban Planning Models: Concentric Zone Model | Sector Model | Multi - Nuclei Model." (6:32 min). YouTube.
"How Public Spaces Make Cities Work." (18:25 min). TED Talks.
Required Listening
Sultan, Aisha J. M. “When Fieldwork Breaks Your Heart.” AnthroPod: The Podcast of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, February 14, 2019. Episode 49. (39:10 min)

Unit 3: The Structure of the City

Donner, Henrike. “The Anthropology of the Middle Class Across the Globe.” Anthropology of this Century 18, no. 1, (2017) (online document).
Frerer, Kristine, and Catherine M. Vu. “An Anthropological View of Poverty.” Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 16, no. 1–2 (2007): 73–86.
Bourgois, Philippe. “Confronting Anthropology, Education, and Inner-city Apartheid.” American Anthropologist 98, no. 2 (1996): 249–58.
Werbner, Pnina. “The Dialectics of Urban Cosmopolitanism: Between Tolerance and Intolerance in Cities of Strangers.” Identities 22, no. 5 (2015): 569–87.
Desbiens, Caroline, Carole Lévesque, and Ioana Comat. “‘Inventing New Places’: Urban Aboriginal Visibility and the Co-Construction of Citizenship in Val-d’Or (Québec).” City & Society 28, no. 1 (2016): 74–98.
Letkemann, Paul G. “First Nations Urban Migration and the Importance of ‘Urban Nomads’ in Canadian Plains Cities: A Perspective from the Streets.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 13, no. 2 (2004): 241–56.
Frohlick, Susan, Paula Migliardi, and Adey Mohamed. “Mostly with White Girls”: Settlement, Spatiality, and Emergent Interracial Sexualities in a Canadian Prairie City.” City & Society 30, no. 2 (2018): 165–85.
Arkaraprasertkul, Non. “Gentrification and Its Contentment: An Anthropological Perspective on Housing, Heritage and Urban Social Change in Shanghai.” Urban Studies 55, no. 79 (2018): 1561–78.
Fast, Danya, and David Cunningham. (2018) “‘We Don’t Belong There’: New Geographies of Homelessness, Addiction, and Social Control in Vancouver’s Inner City.” City & Society 30, no. 2 (2018): 237–62.
Cidro, Jaime, Bamidele Adekunle, Evelyn Peters, and Tabitha Martens. “Beyond Food Security: Understanding Access to Cultural Food for Urban Indigenous People in Winnipeg as Indigenous Food Sovereignty.” Canadian Journal of Urban Research 24, no. 1 (2015): 24–43.
Sen, Atreyee. “‘Live Where the Terrorists Live’: Urban Safety, Diverse Neighbourhoods and Bomb Blasts in Manchester and Mumbai.” Anthropology Today 35, no. 6 (2019): 11–13.
Required Viewing
"Why Is She Here? (Gendered Spaces)." (13:03 min). TED Talks.

Unit 4: Global Urban Developments

Low, Setha. “Indigenous Architecture and the Spanish American Plaza in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean.” American Anthropologist 97, no. 4 (1995): 748–62.
Tiilikainen, Marja. “‘Whenever Mom Hands over the Phone, then We Talk’: Transnational Ties to the Country of Descent among Canadian Somali Youth.” Migration Letters 14, no. 1 (2017): 63–74.
Required Listening
"Mapping Urban Smellscapes: Designing Cities through Scent." The Current, CBC Radio. (27:29 min)



Discussion Questions Introduction

Quizzes Introduction

Assignment 1 Introduction

Assignment 2A and 2B Introduction