ANTH 384: The Family in World Perespective (Rev. 2 & 3) Report a Broken Link

Unit 1: Kin, Kinship, Kinship Systems, Family

Stewart, P. (2007). Who is kin? Family defintion and African American Families. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 15(2–3), 163–181.
Shapiro, W. (2008). What human kinship is primarily about: toward a critique of the new kinship studies. Social Anthropology, 16(2), 137–153.

Unit 2: The Family

Yunxiang, Y. (1997). The triumph of conjugality: Structural transformation of family relations in a Chinese village. Ethnology, 36(3), 191–212.
Holy, L. (1996). Chapter 3: Kinship and the domestic domain. Anthropological Perspectives on Kinship (pp. 51-70; 174-190). London: Pluto Press.
Chettiar, C. (2015). A study of need satisfaction in joint and nuclear families in Mumbai. Journal of Psychosocial Research 10(1), 83–88.
Findlay, T., & Kohen, D. (2017). Indigenous familes: Who do you call family? Journal of Family Studies 23(3), 243–259.

Unit 3: Gender and Sex, Gender Roles and Identity, Love

Coltrane, S., & Adams, M. (2008). Engendering children. Gender and family (2nd ed.), (pp. 167–199). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Watson, R., (1986). The named and the nameless: Gender and person in Chinese society. American Ethnologist, 13(4), 619–631.
de Munck, V., Korotayev, A., & McGreevey, J. (2016). Romantic love and family organization. Evolutionary Psychology, 14(4), 1–13.

Unit 4: Marriage

Catteau, M. (Producer), & Corillion, J (Director). (2006). Tenzin. Paris: ZED.
Kerlogue, F. (1998). Fatmawati’s Wedding: The Weddings of Two Sisters. London, UK: Roysal Anthropological Institute.
Dethloff, N. (2018). Child brides on the move: Legal responses to culture clashes. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 32(3), 302–315.
Laplante, B., Castro-Martin, T., Cortina, C., & Fostik, A. (2020). Unmarried cohabitation and its fertility in Ireland: Towards post-Catholic family dynamics? Irish Journal of Sociology, 28(1), 5–28.
Pamporov, A. (2007). Sold like a donkey? Bride-price among the Bulgarian Roma. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 13(2), 471–476
Wanhalla, A. (2019). "Modernizing” Maori marriage in New Zealand. Journal of Religious History, 43(2), 217–233.

Unit 5: Reproduction

Bruyere, M. (2012). Cultural birthing traditions in the First Nations People of Canada. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 27(1), 39–42.
Government of Canada. (2020). Prohibitions related to surrogacy.
Trevathan, W., & McKenna, J. (2003). Evolutionary environments of human birth and infancy. The Manner Born, Birth Rites in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press, pp. 33–52.
Inhorn, M., Birenbaum-Carmeli, D., Tremayne, S., & Z. Gurtin. (2017). Assisted reproduction and Middle East kinship: A regional and religious comparison. Reproductive Biomedicine and Society Online, 4, 41–51.

Unit 6: Childhood and Parenthood

Costa, P., Pereira, H., & Leal, I. (2019). Through the lens of sexual stigma: Attitudes toward lesbian and gay parenting. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 15(10), 58–75.
LeVine, R., & LeVine, S. (2016). Parent-blaming in America. Do Parents Matter? Why Japanese babies sleep well, Mexican siblings don't fight, and American parents should just relax. New York: Perseus Books, pp. 1–29.
Penn, H. (2009). Chapter 9: The parenting and substitute parenting of young children. Substitute parents: Biological and social perspective on alloparenting across human societies. New York: Berghahn Books.
van Campen, K., & Russell, S. (2010). Cultural differences in parenting practices: What Asian American families can teach us. Frances McClelland Institute for Children, Youth, and Families ResearchLink, 2(1), Tucson, AZ: The University of Arizona. n.p.
Quaretta, E. (2019). Children accused of witchcraft in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). ANUAC, 8(2), pp. 61–82.

Unit 7: The Elderly

Menesini, M. (2016). Why do our bodies age? TED-Ed
Canda, E. (2013). Filial piety and care for elders: A contested confucian virtue reexamined. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work 22(3–4), 213–234.
Byers, L. (2010). Native American grandmothers: Cultural tradition and contemporary necessity. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work 19(4), pp. 305–316.
Drott, E., & Jensen, K. (2020). "Ubasute: Abandoning the Grandmother." Interview with E. Drott by K. Jensen. Tricycle, The Buddhist Review.
Schwiter, K., Brutsch, J., & Pratt, G. (2020). Sending Granny to Chiang Mai: Debating global outsourcing of care for the elderly. Global Networks, 20(1), 106–125.
Lewis, S. (2020). The pandemic and the politics of long-term care in Canada. Policy Options.

Unit 8: Family Policy

Fineman, M. (2008). Religious resistance to family law reform in the US. Journal of Korean Law, 8, 47–75.
Shiraev, E., & Gradskova, J. (2005). The Russian family. Families in global perspective. Boston:Pearson, pp. 277–90.
Lee, D (2018). The evolution of family policy in South Korea: From Confucian familism to neo-familism. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 12, 46–53.
Boozary, A., & Laupacis, A. (2020). The mirage of universality: Canada’s failure to act on social policy and health care. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 192(5), E105–E106.