HIST 620: Environmental History of North America (Rev. 1) Report a Broken Link

HIST 620: Environmental History of North America surveys essential time periods and topographies in which North Americans have developed relationships with natural environments. In keeping with this, several interpretive theories are considered for their power in exploration and explanation of this past that North Americans have created and inherited. The course encourages participants to look for intersections of cultural theory, political economy, common sense, and environmental practices. Typical issues include Aboriginal and European cosmologies; imperialism, industrialism, and consumerism; conservation and preservation; fast cars, fast food, and quickening modernity; pollution and wilderness; city and country, from Mexico to the Arctic; and the "insatiable appetite" among the people of this continent for other environments. Participants will engage in weekly online discussions and will use course concepts to develop a sophisticated research paper treating an environmental issue of personal interest.

Unit 1

Supplementary Readings

Please see the supplementary materials lists after each unit in the HIST 620 Course Guide for annotations on the sources listed below.
Web Sites
Online Bibliography: Environmental History of Latin America

Unit 2

Supplementary Readings

Mann, Charles. 2005. 1491: New revelations of the Americas before Columbus. New York: Vintage Books.
This book is not available from Athabasca University Library. Please try your local library.
Sale, Kirkpatrick. 1996. The conquest of paradise: Christopher Columbus and the Columbian legacy. New York: Taurus Park Paperbacks.
An earlier edition of this book is available from the Athabasca University Library.
Web Sites

Unit 3

Supplementary Readings

Various editions of this book are available from the Athabasca University Library. Another edition is available online at the McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought.
Various editions of this book are available from the Athabasca University Library. Another edition is available online at the McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought.
Berman, Marshal. 1988. All that is solid melts into air: The experience of modernity. Toronto: Penguin.
Palmer, Bryan. 1993. The poverty of theory revisited: Or, critical theory, historical materialism, and the ostensible end of Marxism. Left History 1 (1): 133–162.
This article is not available from Athabasca University Library.
Web Sites

Unit 4

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Thoreau, Henry. [1864] 1988. The Maine woods. New York: Penguin Group.
A different edition of this book is available online at the University of Virginia Library, Electronic Text Center.
Web Sites

Unit 5

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Goodman, Paul, and Percival Goodman. [1947] 1989. Communitas: Means of livelihood and ways of life. New York: Columbia University Press.
This book is not available from Athabasca University Library. Please try your local library.

Unit 6

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Another edition of this book is available online at the University of Virginia Department of English Web site.
Tuan, Yi–Fu. 1989. Topophilia: A study of environmental perception, attitudes, and values. New York: Columbia University Press.
An earlier edition of this book is available from the Athabasca University Library.
Web Sites

Unit 7

Supplementary Readings

Another edition of this book is available online at the University of Virginia Department of English Web site.
Friesen, Gerald. 1999. The West: Regional ambitions, national debates, global age. Toronto: Penguin Books.
This book is not available from Athabasca University Library. Please try your local library.
Web Site

Unit 8

Supplementary Readings

Web Sites

Unit 9

Supplementary Readings

Web Sites

Unit 10

Required Readings
Supplementary Readings
Obach, Brian. 2004. Labour and the environmental movement: The quest for common ground. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
This book is not available from Athabasca University Library. Please try your local library.
Web Sites

Unit 11

Supplementary Readings

Coates, Ken S., and William R. Morrison. 2005. Land of the midnight sun: A history of the Yukon. Montreal: McGill–Queen’s University Press.
The first edition of this book is available from the Athabasca University Library.
Kohlhoff, Dean. 1995. When the wind is a river: Aleut evacuation in World War II. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
This book is not available from Athabasca University Library. Please try your local library.
Web Sites

Unit 12

Required Readings
This site has been linked to information maintained by érudit at http://www.erudit.org.
Supplementary Readings
Web Sites

Unit 13

Required Readings

Press Next in the bottom right corner to access the first article.

Supplementary Readings
Rome, Adam. 1996. Coming to terms with pollution: The language of environmental reform, 1865–1915. Environmental History 1 (3): 6–28.
This article is not available from Athabasca University Library.
Web Sites