ENVS /GLST 343: Global Environmental Change Report a Broken Link

Environmental Studies 343/Global Studies 343: Global Envonmental Change highlights contemporary global environmental change issues like climate change, diminishing biodiversity and plastics pollution. Students examine the relationships between the local, regional and global dimensions of environmental change, how human societies make environments and environments influence humanity over time, and critically reflect on how relations of power, production and reproduction over various scales work in association with the web of life.  While doing this, students also have opportunities to learn how they learn.

Unit 1: The Learning Context

Kohn, A. (November 2011). The case against grades. Educational Leadership.
Robinson, K. (2010 February) Bring on the learning revolution. TED Talks.
Hogue, R. (2019, February 6). Principles of andragogy. Youtube.
Dron, J. (2013, May 9). “Getting to Know The Landing." Athabasca University Landing.
The Learning Context: Part 1

Images by Dr. Lorelei Hanson, Athabasca University, unless otherwise noted.

The Learning Context: Part 2

Images by Dr. Lorelei Hanson, Athabasca University, unless otherwise noted.

Unit 2: Studying Global Socio-Ecological Systems

Deadman, P. (2018, July 11). What is a complex system? Vimeo
Meadows, D. (1997). Places to intervene in a system: In increasing order of effectiveness. Whole Earth Magazine, 91, 78-84.
van der Marel, E. (2020, August). Globalization isn’t in decline: It’s changing, European Centre for International Political Economy.
West, P. (2016, April 4). Critical political ecology. YouTube
Katz-Rosene, R., & Paterson, M. (2018). Introduction. Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 1–12). Routledge.
Newman, R. (2001). Ripples in the stream: Social transition and self-organization. UnderCurrents, 11, 32–34.

Unit 3: The Earth’s Atmosphere and Climate Change

Robinson, M. (2015, May). Why climate change is a threat to human rights. TEDWomen.
Kronik, J., & Verner, D. (2010). Indigenous peoples and climate change across the region. Indigenous peoples and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean (pp. 97–122). Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Katz-Rosene, R., & Paterson, M. (2018). Chapter 1: Unsustainability as a problem of political economy. Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 13–33). Routledge.

Unit 4: Water and Environmental Management

Smil, V. (2002). Water and material flows. The earth’s biosphere: Evolution, dynamics, and change (pp. 123-141). Cambridge: MIT Press.
Henryk Rasolt, D. (2021, January 29). Drought, disease and isolation: The urgent situation of the Wayuu in La Guajira, Colombia. Weave News.
Peppard, C. (2013, February 14). Fresh water scarcity: An introduction to the problem. TED-Ed.
Sultana, F. (2018). Water justice: Why it matters and how to achieve it. Water International, 43(4), 483–493.
Katz-Rosene, R., & Paterson, M. (2018). Chapter 2: Ecological materialities of the global economy. In Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 34–55). Routledge.

Unit 5: Biodiversity

Godrej, D. (2021, February 8). The case for nature. New Internationalist, 529.
New Internationalist. (2021 January/February). Biodiversity (infographic). New Internationalist, pp. 20–21.
Lo Lau, J. (2021, February 23). The limits of Eden.
Baskin, Y. (2002). Elbowing out the natives. A plague of rats and rubbervines: The growing threat of species invasions (pp. 71–97). Washington, DC: Island Press.
Katz-Rosene, R., & Paterson, M. (2018). Chapter 3: Imperial ecologies. Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 56–69). Routledge.
California Academy of Sciences (2014, September 22). Protecting biodiversity: Local and global policies. YouTube.
Schuster et al. (2019, November). Vertebrate biodiversity on indigenous-managed lands in Australia, Brazil and Canada equals that in protected areas. Environmental Science and Policy, 101, 1–6.

Unit 6: Soils, Agriculture, and Food

Soil Science Society of America. Soils Overview.
Weis, A. (2013). The uneven geography of meat. The ecological hoofprint: The global burden of industrial livestock (pp. 53–92). New York: Zed Books.
Katz-Rosene, R. & Paterson, M.(2018). Chapter 4: Ecological contestations of the global economy (pp. 70–84).
Wallace, R. (2021, January 8). Planet farm. New internationalist, 529, 34–37.
Patel, R. (2018, November 21). The world that food made. YouTube.

Unit 7: Waste, Pollution, and Wicked Problems

Godrej, D. (2018, November 1). Modern life is rubbish. New Internationalist, 516.
New Internationalist. (2018, November/December). Waste: The facts (infographic) New Internationalist, p. 21.
Liebman, A. (2018, December 5). No more of your junk. New Internationalist, 516.
Godrej, D. (2018, December 18). It’s all down to you. New Internationalist, 516.
Farrington, K. (2018, December 20). Dirty work: A photo essay. New Internationalist, 516.
Baster, T., & Merminod, I. (2018, December 24). When is it illegal to waste food. New Internationalist, 516.
Broom, F. (2018, November 27). Fighting the big burn: Lebanon’s waste dilemma. New Internationalist, 516.
Allam, H. (2018, November/December). Pick of the heap. New Internationalist, 516.
Sullivan, L. (2020, March 31). Plastic wars: Industry spent million selling recycling—to sell more plastic. National Public Radio.
UNEA (2017). Evidence of a polluted planet: The science, impacts and economic costs, Towards a Pollution-Free Planet (pp. 5–21).
The Lancet. (2017, October 17). Pollution: A global public health crisis. YouTube.
Gareau, B. J. (2008). Dangerous holes in global environmental governance: The roles of neoliberal discourse, science, and California agriculture in the Montreal Protocol. Antipode, 40(1), 102–130.

Unit 8: Energy

Qualman, D. (2019). Chapters 10, 11, 13, 14, and 15. Civilization critical: Energy, food, nature, and the future (pp. 72–79 and 87–120). Cengage.
CrashCourse. Humans and energy: Crash course world history 207. YouTube.
Schuller, T. (2019, October 13). Five myths about energy poverty. Scientific American.
Katz-Rosene, R., & Paterson, M. (2018). Chapter 5: Neoliberal ecologies. In Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 85–107).

Unit 9: Global Mobility

IOM, UN Migration. World Migration Report 2022.
Armiero, M., & Tucker, R. (2017). Introduction: Migrants in environmental history. Environmental history of modern migrations (pp. 1–13). Routledge.
Healy. H. (2020, February 12). Freedom to move—For everyone. New Internationalist, 523.
Healy, H. (2020, March 3). Who do you save? New Internationalist, 523.
Godrej, D. (2019, July 24). Whose city? New Internationalist, 523.
Godrej, D. (2019, August 9). How Private equity eroded the right to housing.New Internationalist, 523.
New Internationalist. (2019 July/August). Cities – The facts (infographic). New Internationalist, p. 20.
Poonam, S. (2019, July 29). Small city, big dreams.New Internationalist, 523.
Broudehoux, A. (2019, August 5). Spectacle and reality in Rio.New Internationalist, 523.
Haase, D., et al. (2018). Chapter 1: Global urbanization. Urban planet. Cambridge University Press.
Rodrigue, J. (2020). Transportation and the environment. Transportation and the environment. The geography of transport systems (5th ed.). Routledge.
Curry, A. (2013, July 9). The box that built the modern world. Nautilus.

Unit 10: Pathways to Transition

Katz-Rosene, R. & Paterson, M. (2018). Chapter 6: Ecological transformations and co-optations. Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 108–125).
Katz-Rosene, R. & Paterson, M. (2018). Conclusion. Thinking ecologically about the global political economy (pp. 126–138).
Whyte, K. (2016, May). Climate change, traditional knowledge, and environmental justice. Indigenous Environmental Justice Symposium, York University. YouTube.
Lammy, D. (2020, October). Climate justice can’t happen without racial justice. TED Talks.
Tesfa-Alem, T. (2012, January/February). How ancient forest gardens are keeping hunger at bay. New Internationalist, 529, 38–41.

Learning Reflection Materials

—LEARNING PROCESS REFLECTION RESOURCES— You should not feel compelled to use the learning process templates; rather, you should structure your reflections to suit you. You are welcome to use different ways of structuring your self-reflections for example by telling stories (we love to see creative solutions!). Just be certain you are covering the kinds of issues that these frameworks address, and you are thinking about your learning critically. Reflection is a crucial part of learning any complex skill so the hope is that the practice you get here will serve you well in future.
Wikipedia article on reflective practice

As always with Wikipedia, follow links to the original sources and/or drill down further to other Wikipedia pages.

Graham Gibbs’s Reflective Model
Terry Burton’s Reflective Model (1970) as adapted by Gary Rolfe and colleagues (2001): What? So what? Now What?
Learning Process Journal Template 1
Learning Process Journal Template 2
Learning Process Journal Template 3
—RUBRICS— A sample rubric has been developed that you can use or alter, but you can also develop your own assessment guidelines. Here are some resources that you might find helpful in developing your assessment guide. Tailor the assessment guide to the learning activities you hope to undertake and don’t make your assessment guide too complicated.
Sample Rubric for ENVS/GLST 343
Checklist Rubrics: DePaul Teaching Commons, Types of Rubrics
E-portfolio Assessment Rubric
ePortfolio RUBRIC
—Course Learning Outcomes Map—A Course Learning Map template has been created that you can use or adapt to suit your purposes or you can develop your own. In undertaking the mapping, you need to demonstrate that you did some work through this course, but then you need to think about in speaking to this map in your self-reflection you will want to highlight what you learned while doing those activities. You should use your map, self-evaluations and the general evaluation guidelines you developed for your first learning process entry to help you determine a fair mark for the work and learning you have accomplished for this course.
Course Learning Outcomes Map