APST 240: Introduction to Structures (Revision 3) Report a Broken Link

APST 240: Introduction to Structures introduces theories of statics and material strengths. Qualitative and quantitative analyses demonstrate the reaction of building elements to external forces and determine the design of structural members and assemblies. The relationships between architectural design and structural design are discussed.

APST 240 General

Project 1: Learning the Basics by Designing a Series of Suspension Footbridges

Required Reading
Calculating a Numerical Solution by Julien Fagnan
Structural Forces in Action
Structures and Forces
Getting Started with Graphic Statics
Mechanics Map

Project 2: Force Systems and Designing Unreinforced Masonry

What Is Moment of a Force?
Moment of a Couple
Palaces for the People: The Oyster Bar in Grand Central Terminal, New York, NY
Equivalent Force Couple System

Project 3: Designing Efficient Trusses

SA03: Analysis of Beams having one or more Internal Hinges
SA10: Truss Analysis: Method of Sections

Project 4: Using Materials Wisely

Required Reading
Project 4b
The Impact Estimator for Buildings -- Athena Sustainable Materials Institute
Tally Environmental Impact Tool - Kieran Timberlake and Thinkstep

Project 5: Designing with the Flow of Forces

Required Reading
Supplemental Reading
Sönnerlind, H. (2018, January 22). Applying and interpreting Saint-Venant’s Principle. [Blog post].
Block Research Group, ETH Zurich

Project 6: Designing a Bay of Framing

Required Reading
Innovative Technologies. (2017). Introductory structural analysis. Section 1.1 Distributed loads. 
Supplemental Reading
Charnish, B. & Yolles, H. [CTBUH]. (2013, October). The bow; Unique diagrid structural system.

Project 9: Bending Resistance in Beams of Any Shape

Supplemental Reading
Steel construction examples
PEGNL. (2011). Guidelines for Structural Engineering Services, April 2011.
American Institute of Steel Construction. Steel Construction Manual. Chicago: AISC.Updated frequently.
Fast + Epp

Project 10: Designing Columns, Frames, and Load-Bearing Walls

Structural Rigidity: Moment of Inertia

Project 11: Reflecting on What You Have Learned

Required Reading
Silman, R. (2018). Structural Design and Thinking in Approximations. Architectural Record.