ENGL 255: Introductory Composition Report a Broken Link


Chamberlain, P., & Dubbelboer, A. (2023). Read, Think, Write: Writing in University. Athabasca University Press.

Unit 1: Writing Paragraphs

Chapter 3: Introduction to Academic Writing. In the course textbook, Read, Think, Write.  
Introduction to Part 2: The Writing Process. In the course textbook, Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 4: Prewrite: Generate Ideas for Writing. In the course textbook, Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 10: Develop an Effective Topic for a Paragraph or an Essay.  In the course textbook, Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 11: Paragraph Essential, in Read, Think, Write.
Writing Effective Paragraphs [video]. AU Write Site.
Chapter 23: Writing Style. In the course textbook, Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 8: Edit: Improve How You’ve Written, in Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 6: Draft: Develop a Piece of Writing. In the course textbook, Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 9: Proofread: Polish Your Writing for an Audience, in Read, Think, Write.

Unit 2: Writing a Summary

Chapter 2: Introduction to Academic Reading, in Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 15: Summary, in Read, Think, Write.
Introduction to Part 3: Building Paragraphs and Essays, in Read, Think, Write.
Introduction to Chapter 12, in Read, Think, Write.
The parts of an essay. In Chapter 12, Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 21, Integrating Research, in Read, Think, Write.

Unit 3: Writing an Essay

Thesis Statements, in Chapter 12, Read, Think, Write.
Writing an Effective Thesis Statement [YouTube video].
Thesis Statements: Four Steps to a Great Essay [YouTube video].
Parts of an Essay, in Chapter 12, Read, Think Write.
Chapter 5: Plan and Outline: Organize Your Ideas, in Read, Think, Write.
What Is an Expository Essay? In Chapter 16, Read, Think, Write.
How to Write an Expository Essay. In Chapter 16, Read, Think, Write.
Process Paragraph and Process Essay [YouTube video].
Chapter 13: Essay Essentials: Body Paragraphs, in Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 14: Essay Essentials: Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs, in Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 7: Revise: Improve What You’ve Written, in Read, Think, Write.
MLA General Format, OWL
MLA Guide to Formatting a Paper (PDF), OWL.
APA General Format , OWL.
APA Guide to Formatting a Paper (PDF), OWL.

Unit 4: Annotated Bibliography

How to Read a Journal Article in 10 Minutes or Less. YouTube video.
Chapter 22: Documentation: Plagiarism, Citations, and the List of Sources, in Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 20: Research Sources: Finding and Selecting Relevant, Reliable Sources, in Read, Think, Write.
Thesis Statements” in Chapter 12 of Read, Think, Write. 

Unit 5: Writing an Essay with Research

Classification Essay, in Chapter 16 of Read, Think, Write.
Comparison Essay, in Chapter 16 of Read, Think, Write.
Cause-Effect Essay, in Chapter 16 of Read, Think, Write.
Thinking Critically about Research. Section in Chapter 20, Read, Think, Write.
What Are Quotations? Section in Chapter 21, Read, Think, Write (and the rest of the chapter).
Chapter 22: Documentation: Plagiarism, Citations, and the List of Sources, in Read, Think, Write.
MLA Template and Formatting Notes
APA Formatting Notes

Unit 6:

Chapter 17: Argumentative Essay, in Read, Think, Write.
Idea Mapping,in Chapter 4, in Read, Think, Write.

Assignment 2 and Final Exam

How to Write with Style, by Kurt Vonnegut
I Wrote the Super Queer Novel My Younger Self Needed, by Celia Laskey
Life Is Too Short for Someone Else's Shame, by Amanda Leduc
No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear, by Toni Morrison
On Fighting for Space in the Literary World as a Black Canadian Writer, by Cheryl Thompson
On Keeping a Notebook, by Joan Didion
Politics and the English Language, by George Orwell
Shitty First Drafts, by Anne Lamott
Why I Write, by Joan Didion (digitally transcribed version)
Why I Write, by Joan Didion (PDF scan of original article)
Why I Write, by George Orwell
Why I Write Indigenous Sci-Fi, by Drew Hayden Taylor
Write Till You Drop, by Annie Dillard