Thesis Statements, in Chapter 12, Read, Think, Write.
Writing an Effective Thesis Statement [YouTube video].
Thesis Statements: Four Steps to a Great Essay [YouTube video].
Parts of an Essay, in Chapter 12, Read, Think Write.
Chapter 5: Plan and Outline: Organize Your Ideas, in Read, Think, Write.
What Is an Expository Essay? In Chapter 16, Read, Think, Write.
How to Write an Expository Essay. In Chapter 16, Read, Think, Write.
Process Paragraph and Process Essay [YouTube video].
Chapter 13: Essay Essentials: Body Paragraphs, in Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 14: Essay Essentials: Introductory and Concluding Paragraphs, in Read, Think, Write.
Chapter 7: Revise: Improve What You’ve Written, in Read, Think, Write.
MLA General Format, OWL
MLA Guide to Formatting a Paper (PDF), OWL.
APA General Format , OWL.
APA Guide to Formatting a Paper (PDF), OWL.