MAIS 658: Doing Disability Differently (Rev. 1) Report a Broken Link

MAIS 658: Doing Disability Differently examines disability as a social, cultural, political, and experiential phenomenon from which issues of social equality and justice emerge. The course invites a critical examination of disability while exploring how disability can teach us about the culture within which we live.

Week 1

Wolfe, P. Private Tragedy in Social Context? Reflections on Disability, Illness and Suffering. 2002. Disability and Society 17(3): 255-67.
Beresford, P. What Have Madness and Psychiatric System Survivors Got to Do with Disability and Disability Studies? 2000. Disability and Society 15(1): 167-72.
Deal, M. Disabled People’s Attitudes Toward Other Impairment Groups: A Hierarchy of Impairments. 2003. Disability and Society 18(7): 897-910.
Supplementary Readings
Disability History Museum.

Week 2

Week 3

Gillman, M. Life History or ‘Case’ History: The Objectification of People with Learning Difficulties through the Tyranny of Professional Discourses. 1997. Disability and Society 12 (5): 675-694.

Week 4

Kendrick, K. 'Normalizing’ Female Cancer Patients: Look Good, Feel Better and other Image Programs. 2008. Disability and Society 23 (3): 259-69.
Yates, S., Dyson, S. and Hiles, D. Beyond Normalization and Impairment: Theorizing Subjectivity in Learning Difficulties—Theory and Practice. 2008. Disability and Society 23(3): 247-58.
Deaf Culture vs. Medicalization. Canadian Association for the Deaf. 2007.
Cochlear Implants Canadian Association for the Deaf. 2007.
Johnson, May. A Test of Wills: Jerry Lewis, Jerry’s Orphans, and the Telethon.

1992. The Ragged Edge, Sept.

Hershey, Laura. Jerry Lewis vs. Disability Rights Activists Crip Commentary. Laura Hershey's Whenever Web Column.

Week 5

Park, D. and Radford, J. From the Case Files: Reconstructing a History of Involuntary Sterilisation. 1998. Disability and Society 13(3): 317-342.
Pritchard, M. Can There Be Such a Thing as a ‘Wrongful Birth’? 2005. Disability and Society 20(1): 81-93.
Hampton, S. Family Eugenics.

2005. Disability and Society 20(5): 553-61.

Baker, B. The Hunt for Disability: The New Eugenics and the Normalization of School Children.

2002. Teachers College Record 104(4): 663-703.

Vehmas, S. Discriminative Assumptions of Utilitarian Bioethics Regarding Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities. 1999. Disability and Society 14(1): 37-52.
Shakespeare, T. Choices and Rights: Eugenics, Genetics and Disability.

1998. Disability and Society 13(5): 665-81.

Why Disability Rights Activists Oppose Physician Assisted Suicide. Ragged Edge Online. 2006.

Week 6

Supplementary Readings
Eugenics website
Not Dead Yet
The Sterilization Spectre
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.   

Week 7

McDermott, R. and Varenne, H. Culture as Disability 1995. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 26:323-348.
Supplementary Readings
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health.

World Health Organization. 2008.

Shakespeare, T. Defending the Social Model. 1997. Disability and Society 12(2): 293-300.
Thomas, C. How is Disability Understood? An Examination of Sociological Approaches. 2004. Disability and Society 19(6): 569-83.
Tregaskis, C. Social Model Theory: The Story So Far…. 2002. Disability and Society 17(4): 457-70.

Week 8

Imrie, R.  Focusing on Disability and Access in the Built Environment.  1998. Disability and Society 13(3): 357-74.
Supplementary Readings
Prince, M. Inclusive City Life: Persons with Disabilities and the Politics of Difference. 2008. Disability Studies Quarterly 28(1).

Week 9

Young, D. and Quibell, R. Why Rights are Never Enough: Rights, Intellectual Disability and Understanding. 2000. Disability and Society 15(5): 747-764.
Sayce, L. Beyond Good Intentions. Making Anti-discrimination Strategies Work.

2003. Disability and Society 18(5): 625-42.

Chadha, E. 'Mentally Defectives' Not Welcome: Mental Disability in Canadian Immigration Law, 1859-1927. 2008. Disability Studies Quarterly 28(1).
Kallianes, V. and Rubenfeld, P. Disabled Women and Reproductive Rights. 1997.Disability and Society 12(2): 203-221.
Supplementary Readings
Canadian Centre on Disability Studies
PBS & Thou Shalt Honor: The Caregivers. 2002.
Reindal, S. M. Independence, Dependence, Interdependence: Some Reflections on the Subject and Personal Autonomy. 1999. Disability and Society 14(3): 353-67.

Week 10

Week 11

Hughes, B. and Paterson, K. The Social Model of Disability and the Disappearing Body: Towards a Sociology of Impairment. 1997. Disability and Society 12(3): 325-340.
Supplementary Readings
Dewsbury, G. et al. The Anti-Social Model of Disability. 2004. Disability and Society 19(2): 145-58.
Marks, D. Dimensions of Oppression: Theorising the Embodied Subject. 1999. Disability and Society 14(5): 611-26.

Week 12

Week 13

& Thou Shalt Honor: Interview with Nancy Mairs. PBS. 2002.
Thompson, R. Staring Back: Self-Representations of Disabled Performance Artists. 2000. American Quarterly 52(2): 334-338.
Reid, D., Stoughton, E. and Smith, R. The Humorous Construction of Disability: ‘Stand-Up’ Comedians in the United States. 2006. Disability and Society 21(6): 629-43.
Titchkosky, T. Disability in the News: A Reconsideration of Reading. 2005. Disability and Society 20(6): 655-68.
Supplementary Readings
Sandahl, C. Ahhh Freakout! Metaphors of Disability and Femaleness in Performance. 1999. Theatre Topics 9(1).
Reindal, S. Independence, Dependence, Interdependence: Some Reflections on the Subject and Personal Autonomy. 1999. Disability and Society 14(3): 353-67.